There are 489 notes in total, the graph is displaying the top 200 according to the PageRank algorithm. Click on notes and follow links to see where they point to!
This is a collection of notes about several topics I’m either interested in, learning about, or working on at the moment and feel I have things to say about.
Some notes are empty and used mainly to link other notes between each other. I also sometimes use these notes as TILs. Nodes in the graph are sized according to the PageRank algorithm. Colors corresponding to graph communities are also automatically generated with the Girvan-Newman algorithm and a fixed number of communities.
This content is automatically generated from my org-roam notes. The generation process is inspired from jethrokuan’s braindump. It uses ox-hugo and citeproc-org for citation management. More details can be found in my org-mode configuration. I also wrote a blog post about this setup.
tags Logic
Abelian sandpile model
tags Cellular automata resources Wikipedia
Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus
tags Artificial intelligence test
Adaptive Computation Time
tags Neural networks, Algorithm Adaptive computation time (ACT)...
Adversarial examples
tags Machine learning, Neural networks Adversarial examples in...
AI and climate change
tags Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Climate A...
AI capitalism
tags Capitalism, Artificial Intelligence (Verdegem 2022) Bibliography Pieter...
Alan Turing
tags Computer science, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography
tags Transformers, BERT, NLP paper (Lan et al. 2020) Architecture It is an...
tags Computer science, Coding
Algorithmic bias
tags Machine learning
Algorithmic Information theory
Algorithmic probability
tags Complexity, Algorithmic Information theory
ALife 2020
tags ALife Conference, Artificial life Day 1 Tutorial - Functional programming...
ALife Conference
tags Artificial life The ALife conference is about artificial life in its...
Alternative learning mechanisms
tags Machine learning Many people, including Geoffrey...
Amorphous computing
tags Unconventional computing, Self-organization papers (Abelson et...
Applied maths
tags Mathematics
Arithmetic coding
tags Compression, Entropy coding resources (Witten et al. 1987)...
Art with Cellular Automata
tags Art Cellular automata have been used a lot to create...
Article: Open-endedness: The last grand challenge you’ve never heard of
authors Kenneth Stanley...
Article: The Cartoon Picture of Magnets That Has Transformed Science
tags Ising model, Complex...
Article: The End of the RNA World Is Near, Biochemists Argue
Article: Uncertain times
authors Melanie Mitchell, Jessica Flack source Aeon tags Complex...
Article: What Is an Individual? Biology Seeks Clues in Information Theory.
tags Life resources...
Article: Why Sex? Biologists Find New Explanations
source Link tags Biological life,...
Artificial Intelligence
Creating artificial intelligence through evolution If we take an...
Artificial intelligence test
tags Artificial Intelligence The most famous example is the...
Artificial life
Artificial life could be thought of as attempts at re-creating biological...
Assembly language
tags Programming languages
Assembly theory
tags Complexity metrics papers (Marshall et al. 2019) This complexity...
Asset economy
tags Economics books (Adkins et al. 2020) Bibliography Lisa Adkins, Martijn...
tags Neural networks Implementation Self-attention is a weighted average of all...
Attention graph networks
tags Graph neural networks, Attention
tags Dynamical systems, Physics
Attractor networks
tags Physics, Applied maths, Neural networks resources Scholarpedia...
tags Neural networks, Data representation Autoencoders and PCA nn The...
Automated discovery in complex systems
tags Complex Systems Evolutionary algorithms and...
Automated theorem proving
tags Mathematics Machine learning for theorem proving
Automatic differentiation
tags Applied maths, Optimization
tags Economics, Artificial Intelligence Labor and automation resources...
tags Life
tags Artificial life, Evolution Avida is an Artificial life system inspired by...
tags Algorithm, Neural networks
Backward RNN
tags Recurrent neural networks Regular RNNs process input in sequence. When...
tags Transformers paper (Lewis et al. 2019) Architecture It is an encoder/decoder...
Batch normalization
tags Neural networks
tags Climate, Energy Gigafactories The word gigafactory was coined by Tesla, who...
Benford's law
tags Statistics A set of numbers satisfies Benford’s law if the...
Berry's paradox
Berry’s paradox is a sentence of the form “The smallest...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Devlin et al. 2019) Parameter count Base = 110M Large =...
Bias-variance tradeoff
tags Machine learning, Statistics
Big bird
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Zaheer et al. 2021) Architecture Big bird can be...
Biological life
This note refers to the only biological life we’ve observed so far:...
BlenderBot 3
tags Transformers, GPT, OPT: Open Pre-trained Transformer, NLP blog post Meta...
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP blog post BLOOM announcement blog post Architecture It...
Blue noise
tags Noise resources (Wong, Wong 2017) Bibliography Kin-Ming Wong, Tien-Tsin...
Boltzmann brain
tags Physics, Statistical physics Boltzmann brain thoughts Boltzmann brain...
Bongard problems
tags Artificial intelligence test
Boolean networks
tags Complex Systems A generalization of Cellular automata Boolean...
Byte-pair encoding
tags NLP The process of byte-pair encoding can be summarized as follow:...
C Programming language
tags Programming languages, Coding
tags Economics
Carbon capture
tags Climate, Carbon emissions Carbon capture consists in using devices to...
Carbon emissions
tags Climate Scopes of carbon emissions Usually, greenhouse gas emissions...
Carbon offsetting
tags Climate, Carbon emissions The Carbon Con, an article from Source...
Carbon tax
tags Climate, Economic liberalism, Taxation The idea behind the carbon tax is...
Catastrophic forgetting
tags Machine learning Catastrophic forgetting is the name given to...
Causal inference
tags Statistics
Cellular automata
tags Emergence, Chaos, Artificial Intelligence resources Wikipedia, (Von...
Cellular automata as convolutional neural networks
tags Cellular automata, Convolutional...
Cellular automata as recurrent neural networks
tags Cellular automata, Recurrent neural...
Cellular automata as regular languages
tags Cellular automata, Finite state machines From...
Cellular neural networks
tags Cellular automata, Neural networks resources Scholarpedia,...
tags Physics Chaos is a striking example of emergence. Deterministic equations of...
Chaos computing
tags Unconventional computing resources (Munakata et al. 2002)...
tags GPT, Transformers, NLP blog post OpenAI blog post Architecture ChatGPT takes...
Chemical reaction network
tags Complex Systems
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP paper (Hoffmann et al. 2022) Architecture This...
Chinese room experiment
tags Artificial intelligence test
Christopher Langton
tags Artificial life, Complex Systems He is a researcher in the field...
Church-Turing thesis
tags Computability theory A function on the natural numbers can be...
tags Complex Systems International environmental agreements From (Pouw et al....
tags Transformers, NLP, Computer vision paper (Radford et al. 2021) Architecture It...
tags Evolutionary algorithms
tags Evolution
tags Computer science, Programming languages For compiled programming languages,...
tags Mathematics
Combinatory logic
tags Logic papers (Cardone, Hindley 2009) It was independently invented...
tags Computer science Compilation is the act of converting code from one...
Complex Systems
tags Physics Definition By a complex system I mean one made up of a large...
resources Page of Pablo Funes’ PhD thesis What is complexity? What is...
Complexity metrics
tags Complexity To study the complexity of various systems, researchers...
Complexity of cellular automata
tags Complexity, Cellular automata Measuring complexity...
Compressed sensing
tags Signal processing resources (Candes et al. 2006) Description...
Compression with Neural networks Compression can be done with the help of...
Computability theory
Computer science
Computer security
Some essential components of computer security: Cryptography
Computer vision
tags Machine learning, Image processing Task Image classification Semantic...
Computing in cellular automata
tags Unconventional computing, Cellular automata resources...
tags Philosophy
Continual learning
tags Machine learning Continual learning is a type of supervised...
Convolutional neural networks
tags Neural networks
Conway's Game of Life
tags Cellular automata resources (Gardner 1970) It is one of the...
tags Neural networks, Genetic algorithms papers (Stanley 2007) resources Wikipedia...
Creative coding
tags Coding, Art
Crosshatch automata
resources Medium article tags Cellular automata
tags Applied maths, Computer science
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Keskar et al. 2019) Architecture This is a model that...
tags Transformers, GPT paper (Ramesh et al. 2021) Architecture It is a decoder...
tags Transformers, Diffusion models, CLIP paper (Ramesh et al. 2022) Architecture...
Data representation
tags Machine learning Data representation is about finding compact...
tags Economics
Decision transformer
tags Transformers, GPT, Reinforcement learning paper (Chen et al....
tags GPT, Transformers, NLP paper (Zhang et al. 2020) Architecture It is exactly...
Differential equations
tags Mathematics
Diffusion limited aggregation
tags Applied maths, Physics
Diffusion models
tags Generative modelling papers (Sohl-Dickstein et al. 2015), (Ho et al....
Dijkstra's algorithm
tags Applied maths, Algorithm
Dirichlet distribution
tags Probabilities
Dirichlet energy
The dirichlet energy of a continuous function on \(\mathbb{R}^d\) is the...
tags Machine learning, Neural networks, Transfer learning Distillation is...
tags Transformers, BERT, NLP paper (Sanh et al. 2020) Architecture It is a...
Double descent
tags Neural network training, Neural networks resources (Belkin et al....
Downs–Thomson paradox
tags Transformers, BART, NLP paper (Li et al. 2022) Architecture It is a distilled...
Dutch disease
tags Economics resources Wikipedia Definition From (Corden 1984): The term...
Dynamical systems
tags Applied maths, Physics
Echo-state networks
tags Recurrent neural networks, Unsupervised learning resources...
Economic liberalism
tags Economics Definition The weekly newspaper The Economist is often...
tags Society
Edge detection
tags Image processing Canny edge detection Canny edge detection in the most...
Effective measure complexity
tags Complexity metrics
tags Coding Einops is a array manipulation paradigm that uses string description of...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Clark et al. 2020) Paramter count Base = 110M Large...
Elementary cellular automata
tags Cellular automata resources Wolfram Mathworld, Wikipedia...
ELisp is a dialect of the Lisp programming language.
tags Coding Emacs is many things, including a general text editor, used for writing...
tags Complexity, Physics
Emergence in artificial life
tags Artificial life, Emergence resources (Gershenson 2021)...
tags Climate Renewable energy Non-renewable energy
tags Complexity metrics references (Shannon, Weaver 1975) For a discrete random...
Entropy coding
tags Compression, Entropy
Epistasis is about interactions between mutations in an evolving systems. No...
Epsilon machines
(Crutchfield, Young 1989) Bibliography James P. Crutchfield, Karl Young....
tags Transformers, BERT, NLP paper (Zhang et al. 2019) Architecture This transformer...
Evaluating NLP
tags Natural language processing Language model evaluation Perplexity For a...
tags Artificial life, Life
tags Climate, Economics From (Chagnon et al. 2022), a piece on extractivism...
Fast Marching method
tags Applied maths, Algorithm The fast marching method can be seen as...
Federated learning
tags Machine learning
Few-shot learning
tags Machine learning, Transfer learning resources AI Multiple post...
tags Economics
Finite state machines
tags Theory of computation Finite automata Finite state transducers...
tags Transformers, Computer vision, NLP, Chinchilla paper (Alayrac et al. 2022)...
Fourier transform
tags Mathematics, Signal processing Gibbs phenomenon The Gibbs...
Fractional calculus
tags Mathematics resources Wikipedia
Frank-Wolfe algorithm
tags Optimization, Algorithm resources Fabian Pedregosa’s...
Functional programming
tags Computer science, Coding Example of functional programming...
Futures contracts
tags Finance, Economics
tags Transformers, Reinforcement learning paper (Reed et al. 2022) Architecture A...
Gaussian Processes
tags Machine learning resources K. Bailey’s blog post
Generalization in Machine learning
tags Machine learning, Applied maths
Generative adversarial networks
tags Neural networks, Generative modelling Generative...
Generative art
tags Art, Algorithm
Generative modelling
tags Machine learning
Genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms can be used as optimization algorithms for search...
Gig economy
tags Economics, Economic liberalism Flexible work and exploitation (Chung...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Du et al. 2021) Architecture The model is a mixture of...
tags Diffusion models, NLP, Computer vision paper (Nichol et al. 2022) Architecture...
Global context ViT
tags Transformers, Computer vision, ViT paper (Hatamizadeh et al. 2022)...
tags Economics, Economic liberalism, Complex Systems
Gödel's theorem
tags Logic resources Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy First...
tags Transformers, GPT paper (Rae et al. 2022) Architecture This model is very...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Radford et al. 2018) Succesors The GPT architecture was...
tags Transformers, GPT paper (Radford et al. 2019) Architecture Some minor changes...
tags Transformers, NLP, GPT paper (Brown et al. 2020) Architecture Like GPT-2, with...
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP software <&gpt-neo> Architecture This model...
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP paper (Ouyang et al. 2022) Architecture This model...
Gradient descent
tags Optimization, Algorithm resources Slides by Christian S. Perone...
Gradient descent for wide two-layer neural networks – I : Global convergence
tags Neural networks,...
Gradient flow
tags Gradient descent, Optimization The gradient flow for a model...
Graham scan
tags Algorithm Graham scan is an algorithm to find the convex hull of a set of...
Graph cellular automata
tags Cellular automata, Graphs This concept was mentioned in...
Graph compression
tags Compression, Graphs (Bouritsas et al. 2021) Bibliography Giorgos...
Graph convolutional networks
tags Convolutional neural networks, Graph neural networks
Graph neural networks
tags Neural networks, Graphs Basic properties To operate on graphs,...
tags Mathematics, Computer science
Greenhouse gas emissions
tags Climate Scopes Greenhouse gas emissions are often classified...
Hadamard product
The Hadamard product is a mathematical name for element-wise...
Halting probability
tags Computability theory, Algorithmic Information theory, Halting...
Halting problem
tags Computability theory
Hash functions
tags Computer science Hash functions map variable sized inputs to a finite...
tags Programming languages, Coding
Haskell Curry
Hilbert curve indexing
tags Coding Hilbert curves can be used for an interesting trick...
Homomorphic encryption
tags Cryptography resources Vitalik Buterin’s blog Principle...
Hopfield Networks
tags Neural networks Hopfield networks are a kind of recurrent neural...
Huffman coding
tags Compression, Entropy coding Python implementation from heapq import...
Hyperbolic geometry
tags Mathematics
Illegal numbers
tags Cryptography, Computer science resources Wikipedia A number that...
Image classification
tags Computer vision Image classification is a machine learning...
Image processing
tags Applied maths, Signal processing Scale an image with no...
tags Transformers, Diffusion models, Computer vision, NLP, T5, CLIP paper (Saharia...
Implicit neural representations
tags Data representation, Neural networks resources...
Information theory
Intrinsic motivation
tags Reinforcement learning, Robotics references : According to...
Ising model
tags Complex Systems, Physics Simulation of an Ising model by a cellular...
tags Programming languages, Coding
tags Programming languages, Coding
Jethro Kuan
website Personal website Jethro Kuan is a developer from Singapore. He...
Jevons paradox
tags Economics, Climate resources (York, McGee 2016; Polimeni et al. 2015),...
John Conway
tags Mathematics
John Von Neumann
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP blog post AI21Labs blog Architecture This model is...
Kaya identity
tags Climate Definition It was developed by Japanese economist Yoichi Kaya....
Kenneth Stanley
Ken Stanley is a researcher at OpenAI.
tags Network authentication, Cryptography resources Main page, Computerphile...
Kernel Machine
tags Kernel Methods
Kernel Methods
tags Machine learning
Knowledge argument
tags Philosophy The thought experiment as formulated by Franck Jackson...
Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm
tags Algorithm, Computer science resources...
Kolmogorov complexity
tags Complexity, Algorithmic Information theory, Computability...
Konrad Zuse
resources Juergen Schmidhuber’s page In 1941, he constructed the first...
Kullback-leibler divergence
tags Applied maths Definition The KL divergence is not...
Kuznets curve
tags Climate, Economics From (Henriques, Böhm 2022): This is based on the...
tags Complex Systems L-systems are string re-writing systems. They operate on an...
Lambda calculus
tags Computer science
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Thoppilan et al. 2022) Parameter count 137B...
Land-value tax
tags Economics, Taxation resources Wikipedia
Langton's loop
tags Christopher Langton, Cellular automata
Language modeling
tags NLP LM with RNNs Different models have been studied, starting from...
tags Neural networks paper (Ba et al. 2016) Definition Layer Normalization is a...
Learning in dynamical systems
tags Machine learning, Dynamical systems resources (Weinan...
Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
tags Compression, Complexity papers (Lempel, Ziv 1976; Ziv,...
tags Cellular automata papers (Chan 2019; Chan 2020) Lenia is a continuous cellular...
Levenshtein automata
tags Algorithm, Finite state machines resources Nick’s blog...
Levenshtein distance
tags Algorithm, Natural language processing
Linear programming
tags Optimization Linear programs are problems that can be expressed as...
tags Programming languages Lisp has been a popular set of language for Artificial...
Locality-Sensitive Hashing
tags Computer science resources Tyler Neylon’s blog
Logical depth
tags Complexity metrics references (Bennett 1995) Logical depth can be...
Machine learning
tags Artificial Intelligence, Applied maths Machine learning is about...
Machine translation
tags NLP
tags Coding Make is a build automation tool. Don’t deal with tabs I have been...
tags Quality diversity, Reinforcement learning papers (Mouret, Clune 2015;...
Marvin Minsky
Matrix factorization
tags Mathematics LU Factorization resources Nick Higham’s blog...
tags Transformers, NLP, BART paper (Liu et al. 2020) Architecture It’s an...
Mean field theory of neural networks (talk)
speaker Andrea Montanari tags Neural networks...
tags Transformers, GPT, BERT, T5 paper (Shoeybi et al. 2020) Architecture The...
Melanie Mitchell
resources Website She has worked at the Santa Fe Institute and studies...
Memory in neural networks
tags Neural networks
Message-passing graph networks
tags Graph neural networks
tags Machine learning Constrained meta-learning (Kirsch, Schmidhuber 2021)...
tags Transformers, Mathematics, PaLM paper (Lewkowycz et al. 2022) Architecture...
Minimum description length
tags Complexity, Algorithmic Information theory papers...
tags Cryptography resources Monero
Moore-Penrose inverse
tags Mathematics The MP inverse exists and is unique for any matrix...
tags Biological life, Physics
Motion planning
tags Artificial Intelligence
tags Neural architecture search, Evolutionary strategies, Neural networks papers...
tags Economics, Economic liberalism Definition In (Hay 2004), the author...
Network authentication
Protocols Password authentication This is one of the simplest...
Network programming
tags Programming, Networking An incredible resource for low-level...
tags Programming
Neural architecture search
tags Search, Neural networks Neural architecture search (NAS)...
Neural cellular automata and implicit representations
tags Cellular automata, Neural...
Neural network pruning
tags Neural networks papers (LeCun et al. 1990; Hassibi, Stork...
Neural network training
tags Neural networks, Machine learning, Optimization A common...
Neural networks
tags Machine learning Two-layers neural network Mathematically, a simple...
Neural networks as dynamical systems
tags Neural networks, Dynamical systems Neural...
Neural tangent kernel
tags Neural networks For a neural network trying to minimize a...
tags Biological life, Artificial Intelligence
Nick Bostrom
tags Philosophy
tags Coding, Programming languages
NK model
tags Complex Systems
tags Machine learning, Language NLP is about creating algorithms that can manipulate...
tags Statistics, Applied maths
tags Writing Note-taking in Emacs with org-roam
A Computer Scientist's View of Life, the Universe, and Everything by Schmidhuber, J....
tags Zuse’s thesis...
A model of urban evolution based on innovation diffusion by Raimbault, J. (2020)
source (Raimbault 2020)...
A new structurally dissolvable self-reproducing loop evolving in a simple cellular...
source (Sayama 1999) tags...
Adapting to Unseen Environments through Explicit Representation of Context by Tutum, C., &...
source (Tutum, Miikkulainen...
AI-GAs: AI-generating algorithms, an alternate paradigm for producing general artificial...
tags Artificial...
An Integrated Perspective on the Constitutive and Interactive Dimensions of Autonomy by...
tags Emergence, Life,...
Cellular automata as convolutional neural networks by Gilpin, W. (2018)
tags Cellular automata as...
Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data by Bender, E....
source (Bender, Koller...
Combinatory Chemistry: Towards a Simple Model of Emergent Evolution by Kruszewski, G., &...
tags Artificial life,...
Complexity and evolution: What everybody knows by McShea, D. W. (1991)
tags Evolution, Complexity...
Curiosity-Driven Exploration by Self-Supervised Prediction by Pathak, D., Agrawal, P.,...
tags Reinforcement learning...
Developmental mappings and phenotypic complexity by Lehre, P. K., & Haddow, P. C. (2003)
tags Cellular automata...
Diversity preservation in minimal criterion coevolution through resource limitation by...
source (Brant, Stanley...
Drinking from a Firehose: Continual Learning with Web-scale Natural Language by Hu, H.,...
tags Continual learning...
Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing by Pham, H., Guan, M. Y., Zoph,...
tags Neural architecture...
Emergence in artificial life by Gershenson, C. (2021)
tags Artificial life, Emergence...
Evolution in asynchronous cellular automata by Nehaniv, C. L. (2003)
tags Cellular automata,...
Evolved Open-Endedness, Not Open-Ended Evolution by Pattee, H. H., & Sayama, H. (2019)
source (Pattee, Sayama...
Evolving a self-repairing, self-regulating, French flag organism by Miller, J. F. (2004)
tags Cellular automata,...
Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies by Stanley, K. O., & Miikkulainen,...
tags Neural networks,...
Fast and stable MAP-Elites in noisy domains using deep grids by Flageat, M., & Cully, A....
source (Flageat, Cully...
Formal Definitions of Unbounded Evolution and Innovation Reveal Universal Mechanisms for...
source (Adams et al. 2017)...
GARF: Gaussian Activated Radiance Fields for High Fidelity Reconstruction and Pose...
tags Implicit neural...
Generalization over different cellular automata rules learned by a deep feed-forward...
source (Aach et al. 2021)...
Git Re-Basin: Merging Models modulo Permutation Symmetries by Ainsworth, S. K., Hayase,...
source (Ainsworth et al....
Growing Neural Cellular Automata by Mordvintsev, A., Randazzo, E., Niklasson, E., & Levin,...
tags Cellular automata...
Hopfield Networks is All You Need by Ramsauer, H., Schäfl, B., Lehner, J., Seidl, P.,...
tags Hopfield Networks,...
Information-Theoretic Probing with Minimum Description Length by Voita, E., & Titov, I....
tags Evaluating NLP,...
Intelligence without representation by Brooks, R. A. (1991)
tags Artificial Intelligence...
Intrinsically Motivated Discovery of Diverse Patterns in Self-Organizing Systems by...
source (Reinke et al. 2020)...
Learned Initializations for Optimizing Coordinate-Based Neural Representations by Tancik,...
tags Neural radiance...
Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition by Zoph, B., Vasudevan,...
tags NAS source (Zoph et...
Legendre Memory Units: Continuous-Time Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks by...
tags Recurrent neural...
Memorizing Transformers by Wu, Y., Rabe, M. N., Hutchins, D., & Szegedy, C. (2022)
source (Wu et al. 2022)...
Modeling systems with internal state using evolino by Wierstra, D., Gomez, F. J., &...
tags Genetic algorithms,...
Molecule Attention Transformer by Maziarka, Ł., Danel, T., Mucha, S., Rataj, K., Tabor,...
tags Neural networks source...
More Is Different by Anderson, P. W. (1972)
tags Complexity, Philosophy source (Anderson...
Network Deconvolution by Ye, C., Evanusa, M., He, H., Mitrokhin, A., Goldstein, T., Yorke,...
tags Convolutional neural...
Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning by Zoph, B., & Le, Q. V. (2017)
tags NAS source (Zoph, Le...
Neural Circuit Policies Enabling Auditable Autonomy by Lechner, M., Hasani, R., Amini, A.,...
source (Lechner et al....
Neuroevolution: from architectures to learning by Floreano, D., Dürr, P., & Mattiussi, C....
tags NAS source (Floreano...
Next Generation Reservoir Computing by Gauthier, D. J., Bollt, E., Griffith, A., &...
source (Gauthier et al....
Nyströmformer: A Nyström-Based Algorithm for Approximating Self-Attention by Xiong, Y.,...
tags Transformers source...
On Adversarial Mixup Resynthesis by Beckham, C., Honari, S., Verma, V., Lamb, A., Ghadiri,...
tags Autoencoders source...
On the expressive power of programming languages by Felleisen, M. (1991)
source (Felleisen 1991)...
One model for the learning of language by Yang, Y., & Piantadosi, S. T. (2022)
source (Yang, Piantadosi...
PCGRL: Procedural Content Generation via Reinforcement Learning by Khalifa, A., Bontrager,...
tags Reinforcement learning...
POET: open-ended coevolution of environments and their optimized solutions by Wang, R.,...
tags Open-ended Evolution,...
Pretrained Transformers as Universal Computation Engines by Lu, K., Grover, A., Abbeel,...
source (Lu et al. 2021)...
Regenerating Soft Robots through Neural Cellular Automata by Horibe, K., Walker, K., &...
tags Cellular automata,...
Reservoir Computing in Artificial Spin Ice by Jensen, J. H., & Tufte, G. (2020)
source (Jensen, Tufte 2020)...
Reservoir Computing meets Recurrent Kernels and Structured Transforms by Dong, J., Ohana,...
source (Dong et al. 2020)...
Resilient Life: An Exploration of Perturbed Autopoietic Patterns in Conway's Game of Life...
tags ALife 2020, Cellular...
Safe Reinforcement Learning through Meta-learned Instincts by Grbic, D., & Risi, S. (2020)
source (Grbic, Risi 2020)...
Scaling down Deep Learning by Greydanus, S. (2020)
tags Neural networks source (Greydanus...
Seeking open-ended evolution in Swarm Chemistry by Sayama, H. (2011)
tags Open-ended Evolution...
Spontaneous fine-tuning to environment in many-species chemical reaction networks by...
tags Chemical reaction...
The Architecture of Complexity by Simon, H. A. (1962)
tags Complexity, Complex Systems...
The geometry of integration in text classification RNNs by Aitken, K., Ramasesh, V. V.,...
tags RNN, NLP source...
The information theory of individuality by Krakauer, D., Bertschinger, N., Olbrich, E.,...
tags Information theory,...
Thinking Like Transformers by Weiss, G., Goldberg, Y., & Yahav, E. (2021)
tags NLP, Computer science...
Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index by Tay, Y., Tran, V. Q., Dehghani, M.,...
source (Tay et al. 2022)...
Transformers are RNNs: Fast Autoregressive Transformers with Linear Attention by...
tags Transformers, RNN...
Transition phenomena in cellular automata rule space by Li, W., Packard, N. H., & Langton,...
tags Cellular automata...
Novelty search
tags Search
Nyström method
tags Applied maths This method was introduced as a way to speed-up kernel...
Object recognition
tags Computer vision
Online privacy
tags Privacy IP Addresses In (Mishra et al. 2020), the authors analyze a...
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
tags Evolution, Biological life link Wikipedia This is a...
Open-ended Evolution
tags Evolution, Complexity, Artificial Intelligence resources...
OPT: Open Pre-trained Transformer
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP paper (Zhang et al. 2022)...
Optimal control
tags Applied maths resources Book by Daniel Liberzon Optimal control...
Optimal transport
tags Applied maths Ramified optimal transport Introduction to ramified...
tags Mathematics, Applied maths
Ordinary least squares
tags Applied maths, Optimization
tags Emacs, Writing Org is a markup language similar to Markdown. It was designed...
tags Emacs, Org-mode, Writing website Org-roam Org-roam is an org-mode package...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Chowdhery et al. 2022) Architecture This is a standard...
Pattern-defeating quicksort
tags Algorithm resources Youtube, (Peters 2021) This is a...
tags Data representation
tags Writing Tips Make a PDF look scanned convert -density 150 input.pdf -colorspace...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Zhang et al. 2020) Architecture This is a standard...
tags Search, Open-ended Evolution
Poincaré recurrence time
tags Dynamical systems The Poincaré recurrence time for a finite...
Positional encoding
tags Transformers, Attention
tags Society
Privacy-preserving machine learning
tags Machine learning, Online privacy This is a kind...
tags Mathematics
Program synthesis
tags Computer science, Coding Program synthesis is the task of writing...
Programming languages
tags Computer science PL I use or have used: Python C Programming...
Projection on convex sets
tags Optimization To solve the problem of finding \(x \in...
Public key encryption
tags Cryptography RSA Diffie-Hellman Elliptic curve cryptography
tags Programming languages, Coding Code tips Categories to one-hot This is a handy...
tags Python, Machine learning Pytorch is an autodiff library used to do machine...
Quality diversity
tags Evolution, Reinforcement learning, Search algorithms papers (Pugh...
tags Computer science, Neural networks The goal of quantization in neural...
Rademacher complexity
tags Machine learning Definition Given a function class \(f_w\) and...
Radon transform
tags Signal processing From this tweet: The marginals \(fX\) and \(fY\) of...
Rainbow tables
tags Cryptography resources How Rainbow tables work
Raven's progressive matrices
tags Artificial intelligence test It is a visual test used to...
tags Physics, Morphogenesis
Recurrent neural networks
tags Neural networks, Machine learning
tags Philosophy, Physics Reductionism is a philosophy according to which the...
Regular expressions
tags Coding, NLP
Reinforcement learning
tags Machine learning In reinforcement learning, agents take...
Reinforcement learning with human feedback
tags Reinforcement learning, NLP
Reservoir computing
tags Machine learning, Unconventional computing, Unsupervised learning...
Residual neural networks
tags Neural networks, Convolutional neural networks, Computer...
Resource curse
tags Economics Definition The resource curse is a phenomenon in which...
Reversible cellular automata
tags Cellular automata Second-order CA Block CA
Rice’s theorem
Richard Sutton
Ring signatures
tags Cryptography A ring signature is a protocol that allows a single...
tags Biological life
Roam research
tags Writing
tags Transformers, BERT, NLP paper (Liu et al. 2019) Architecture This is an...
tags Artificial life, Artificial Intelligence
tags Programming languages, Coding
tags Programming languages, Coding Interesting repos The Rust Python interpreter:...
Santa Fe Institute
tags Complex Systems, Physics
tags Programming languages, Coding
Schmidhuber on Consciousness
tags Consciousness link Reddit comment From the reddit...
Search algorithms
tags Algorithm
Sed utility
tags Coding In-place batch file manipulation Delete the same line in many...
tags Transformers, GPT paper (Shuster et al. 2022) Architecture This is an...
Self-organization is an emergent phenomenon Open questions in...
tags Complexity, Self-organization An early example of artificial...
Self-supervised learning
tags Machine learning Definition Self supervised learning (SSL)...
Semantic primes
tags Language resources Wikipedia
Semantic similarity
tags NLP, Evaluating NLP N-gram matching For two sequences \(x\) and...
Signal processing
tags Applied maths
Simpson's paradox
tags Statistics
SIR model
tags Applied maths resources Wikipedia Simplest form The SIR model is defined...
Snake in the tunnel
tags Economics, Europe resources Wikipedia
tags Applied maths The Softmax can refer to two mathematical functions: In machine...
tags Transformers, GPT, Chinchilla paper (Glaese et al. 2022) blog post Deepmind...
tags Cryptography SSH random art algorithm It is described in this paper by Dirk Loss,...
Stable marriage problem
tags Algorithm
Statistical complexity
tags Complexity metrics papers (Crutchfield, Young 1989) One...
Statistical physics
tags Physics, Statistics
tags Applied maths
Style transfer
tags Computer vision Style transfer is the process of transferring some...
Supervised learning
tags Machine learning Data Input/output example pairs: \[ \{(x_i,...
Surprisingly Turing-Complete
tags Turing-completeness source Gwern Branwen’s website...
tags Privacy, Society CCTV Surveillance and crime prevention (Piza et al....
Swin Transformer
tags Transformers, ViT, Computer vision paper (Liu et al. 2021)...
Switch transformer
tags Transformers, T5, NLP paper (Fedus et al. 2022) Architecture This...
Symmetric encryption
tags Cryptography
System of linear equations
tags Applied maths Such a system with \(m\) equations and \(n\)...
tags Machine learning paper (Van der Maaten, Hinton 2008) Example: Embedding the...
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Raffel et al. 2020) Architecture It is the same as the...
Talk: Alife 2020 keynote Lee Cronin - A Top Down Chemically Embodied Artificial Life...
tags Life, ALife 2020...
Talk: Alife 2020 keynote Luis Zaman - New Frontiers in Alife: What was old is new again
tags Artificial life, ALife...
Talk: Alife 2020 keynote Michael Levin - Robot Cancer
tags Emergence, Biological life,...
Talk: Alife 2020 keynote Sara Walker - The Natural History of Information
tags Life The problem of...
Talk: Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans
presenter Melanie Mitchell...
Talk: Differentiation of black-box combinatorial solvers
presenter Michal Rolinek tags...
Talk: The Importance of Open-Endedness in AI and Machine Learning
tags Open-ended Evolution,...
tags Economics
Text classification
tags NLP resources (Minaee et al. 2020) A few examples are often cited...
The Bitter Lesson
tags Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence author Richard Sutton...
The Lottery ticket hypothesis
tags Neural network training resources The AI podcast papers...
The Meta-Problem of Consciousness with David Chalmers
tags Consciousness link Youtube The...
The Scaling Hypothesis
tags Artificial Intelligence, Neural networks From gwern’s...
The Simulated reality hypothesis
tags Philosophy The simulation argument Nick Bostrom...
Theory of computation
tags Computer science
tags Artificial life, Evolution
Time to threshold
tags Transfer learning, Reinforcement learning This is a simple metric...
Trajectory transformer
tags Transformers, Reinforcement learning, GPT paper (Janner et al....
Transfer learning
tags Machine learning
tags Transformers, NLP paper (Dai et al. 2019) Architecture This model uses...
tags Neural networks resources Transformer catalog, The illustrated...
Tropical semiring
tags Mathematics Definition The min tropical semiring is the semiring...
Turing completeness of cellular automata
tags Cellular automata, Turing-completeness Rule...
Turing degree
tags Computability theory The idea behind Turing degrees is similar to the...
Turing Machine
tags Computability theory, Computer science resources Wikipedia The machine...
Turing test
tags Artificial intelligence test This is probably one of the most famous test...
tags Computability theory, Computer science A system is Turing...
tags Transformers, GPT, NLP website Microsoft Project Turing Architecture The...
Unconventional computing
papers (Stepney 2012) Molecular computing (Kompa, Levine 2001)...
Universal basic income
tags Economics, Economic liberalism Definition Haagh defines UBI as...
Unker non-linear writing system
tags Language resources A fascinating...
Unsupervised learning
tags Machine learning
Urban science
Variational autoencoders
tags Neural networks resources (Bishop 1994) Variational...
Vision transformer
tags Transformers, Computer vision, BERT paper (Dosovitskiy et al....
Von Neumann's self-reproducing CA
tags Cellular automata, John Von Neumann
tags Applied maths, Signal processing Wavelets are functions with specific...
Why programming is a good medium for expressing poorly understood and sloppily-formulated...
source Link tags Artificial...
Wirth's law
tags Computer science resources Wikipedia It is an adage which states that...
tags Society Genealogy of the term From (Cammaerts 2022): Woke is intrinsically tied...
Word vectors
tags NLP Definition Word vectors are abstract representation of words...
Wu Dao 2.0
tags Transformers, NLP website Wikipedia page for Wu Dao Architecture It is...
tags Transformers, RoBERTa, NLP paper (Conneau et al. 2020) Architecture The...
tags Transformers, Transformer-XL, NLP paper (Yang et al. 2020) Architecture The...
You and your research
tags Writing source Web In the first place if you do some good work...
Zero-shot learning
tags Few-shot learning, Machine learning, Transfer learning Zero-shot...
Zuse's thesis
tags Physics, Philosophy resources Juergen Schmidhuber’s page,...